Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

my "baby": ICON

Sorry for being so absent the last month... but I've an excuse: ICON!!
That's the magazine of WELT am SONNTAG I'm working for... and on September 18th "my" first issue was published - 100 pages!!!!! I like <3 but I worked (nearly) day and night for this :-)

And as you see I'm writing in English again - that's in preparation for my language-holiday in Sydney in November :-)))
In the past month I collected some photos I can share here with you so I'm motivated to blog more often!!

Have a nice evening everyone *xoxo*

1 Kommentar:

Susi hat gesagt…

Wenn du mal wieder in der Heimat bist, kannst du mir gern ein Exemplar mitbringen :)